Friday, October 7, 2011


I am learning how to integrate my filmmaking into my daily life. I have to at this point. Also, I truly love being with Miranda and sharing these precious moments with her. It has been hitting me a lot lately how lucky I am. In a year she'll be in pre-K and almost 5; a year after that, she'll be in kindergarten... It seems far away sometimes and at other moments it seems like it will be instantaneous. I don't want to take a moment for granted.

Yesterday I saw 2 friends and had lovely visits with a new baby and a playdate with Miranda and a dear friend of hers. Both visits included intensive and illuminating conversations about my new short script.. both are people who I will collaborate with in the future... had a wonderful day with Miranda and also gained clarity on my project--changes to make it stronger and next steps.

Crisp fall days.. crisp focused artistic forward-moving thoughts.. moments forever in my memory (smelling roses with Miranda at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden today; skipping and singing "follow the yellow brick road"; laughing in the car..........). Grateful.

Monday, October 3, 2011


I’m still pondering the question.. how can one be a filmmaker and a full-time mom at the same time? I don’t have exact answers... I know that childcare is an issue, and finances are very closely connected to that. But I’m actually wondering if I am asking the right question. Maybe the question isn’t framed correctly. Maybe it should be, “How can I be the best mom possible and also make my art?” I think that is the more important question. One can always do many things, but can one do them well? And what is most important?