Tuesday, December 27, 2011

the right thing

Miranda got a little book about angels for a stocking gift.  One of them was the Angel of Wisdom, who "always knows the right thing to do".  I need that angel at times.  The Kickstarter push was awkward at times, reaching out to friends and family for help.  It still felt right though, as I fully believe in the project.  Doing the votey shmotey thing feels perhaps not right though.  There are other things throughout the days and weeks that don't feel right.  Sometimes it is a nagging feeling that I'm not quite sure of, other times it's quite obvious what I am uncomfortable with.  I think there is an inner intuition that knows when one is doing the right thing by oneself, by others, by a higher power.  This includes doing the right thing by a project.  I am going to keep working creatively on the script until it feels right.  There are many business things to do, and they will definitely get done, but one must not forget the intuitive part of the process, as that is what everything else springs from.  I am also fully committed to Miranda THRIVING on a daily basis.  Am doing a lot of reading on early childhood and am so inspired.  Vacation is good.  Time to think, look at the stars, reconnect.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I feel I have to at least put a link to my Kickstarter campaign: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/emiliemcdonald/crossing-the-river for my short film about a modern-day hate crime, and also about understanding and tolerance.
It is been an exceptionally challenging balance of filmmaker and mama these past few weeks.
Hangin' in and I think Miranda is still learning new things each day and getting mucho love.
7 more days, over $7K to raise! I have always been an optimist.. it's a long shot but I am hopeful!!!